BIG ANNOUNCEMENT-Lost Lit Newsletter 7.27.22

I've been dreaming of this big announcement! It's finally safe to say: We're starting IN-PERSON Workshops this Fall AND we have a new Lost Lit HOME!

We’ll be writing on the second floor of the Four & Twenty Blackbirds Pie Shop, in Gowanus, Brooklyn! If you haven't heard of Four & Twenty, you MUST try their pie. Like seriously out of this world!

I have a special love and appreciation for pie—not because it's a quintessential dessert, but because of my mom. She loved pie! So much so, she'd eat it as her main meal and be ok with it. Her top favorites marked the seasons: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie (spring), Key Lime Pie (summer), Pumpkin Pie (fall) and Mincemeat Pie (winter). So when I think of pie, when I eat pie--it's like my mother is with me. I know she would approve of this move.

Back in April of 2018, on the eve of Grumpy Bert closing and silently panicking that no home would mean no more Lost Lit, we toured some studio spaces in Gowanus. Emmy was 20 months old, Rainey was 3 months old and we stopped into Four & Twenty Blackbirds Pie Shop since I heard so much about it, but had yet to visit. We ordered a slice of their trademark, award winning Salted Caramel Apple Pie with whipped cream on top. I ordered my signature virtual hug-a cup of coffee. Soft 90's R&B jams played and Emmy bopped to the music while trying to investigate (her scientist, engineer mind already emerging)the whipped cream mess factor. For a brief moment during an extremely stressful time and not knowing what the summer would bring with forced transitions, we soaked in the comfort of pie, coffee, music and dancing. The embodiment of joy. That was a good day.

So with all these personal imprints on my heart, I am thrilled to share a space with Four & Twenty Blackbirds Pie Shop!


SUMMER UPDATE-Lost Lit Newsletter 9.7.22


SPRING BREAK UPDATE-Lost Lit Newsletter 5.3.22